About Us
In 1969, California and Nevada legislators agreed to a unique Compact for sharing Lake Tahoe resources/responsibilities. The two states and the U.S. Congress amended the Compact in 1980, with public law 96-551, which also established the Tahoe Transportation District (TTD). The agency is responsible for facilitating and implementing safe, environmentally positive, multi-modal transportation plans, programs and projects for the Lake Tahoe Basin, including transit operations.
Specific tax revenue to support transit and transportation facilities can be allotted to the District. TTD may also acquire, own and operate public transportation systems and parking facilities serving the Tahoe region and provide access to convenient transportation terminals outside of the region.
Public Law 96-551 Planning Compact
To learn more about the TTD, please read Article IX (page 18) of the Tahoe Compact.
Directors and Staff
For more information on TTD staff, please click here.
For more information on the Board of Directors, please click here.
Title VI Notice
The TTD wholeheartedly adopts Title VI requirements into its programs, activities and services. To review the Program Policy and Plan, please click here
Records Request
The District is committed to transparency in the conduct of its business. Public records which are not exempt from disclosure shall be open to inspection. The District will refer to the Federal Freedom of Information Act (5 U.S.C.A. ยง552), the California Public Records Act, and the Nevada Public Records Act, including listed exemptions and judicial interpretations, as guidance in responding to record requests. Only existing public records may be requested. The District is not required to answer questions, render opinions, create documents or records, or provide subjective evaluations in response to record requests. Staff will respond to record requests within five business days, with a response as to whether the record is in the District’s custody and subject to disclosure.
Download the Records Request Form. Submit the request to info@tahoetransportation.org.
More Information
For more details on how TTD is structured and what the District does, visit our FAQ page.